Digi Pro Tablet Driver

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Digi Pro Tablet Driver 3,9/5 6332 votes

Graphic Evidence People are wondering why we keep selling these Digipro Graphics Tablets. Despite the persistent allegations, let us assure you they are not stolen. Whatever the naysayers and the rumor-mongers and the prosecuting attorneys might say, Woot is not engaged in a massive hijacking and theft ring whose tentacles extend into 11 countries on three continents. So feel free to enjoy this DigiPro 8” x 6” USB Graphics Tablet without fear that federal agents will raid your home to recover Digipro’s stolen property. We’re, like, 90% sure that probably isn’t likely to happen.

Apr 27, 2011 I've looked everywhere, but i can't find the driver for my digipro WP8060 tablet anywhere, and their website is abysmal. Any help would be greatly.

We acquired these tablets, with their 8×6 work area, soft-tip pen with 512 pressure levels and mouse function controls, and Painter and Photoshop compatibility through completely legal means. We’re prepared to back that claim up with documentation if and when required to do so under court order. Which, again, we’ll never have to, because we bought these fair and square and have absolutely nothing to hide from the authorities. We’re not under oath here, right? Mumbo Jumbo Woot.com is operated by Woot Services LLC. Products on Woot.com are sold by Woot, Inc., other than items on Gourmet.Woot which are sold by the seller specified on the product detail page. Product narratives are for entertainment purposes and frequently employ the narratives do not express Woot's editorial opinion.

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SUPPORT DigiPro for Windows FAQ Digipro for Windows has been replaced. DigiPro2 replaces both DigiPro1 and DMM.

Question: Why did you replace the original DigiPro for Windows? Answer: DigiPro and DMM were written in Microsoft VB6. Microsoft discontinued support for VB6 development tools some time ago, making bug fixes and further development nearly impossible. In addition, Microsoft warned that Windows 7 would not support for the VB6 runtime. In fact, they relented and included some minimal VB6 runtime support in Win7, but it is certain that DigiPro and DMM will stop running in some future update of Windows. For that reason, we developed DigiPro2 to replace both DMM and DigiPro. Development took over a year, but it is written in C# and is guaranteed to run on future updates of Windows.

We encourage everyone to migrate to DigiPro2 sooner rather than later. It runs in advanced mode for 45 days, then it reverts to a basic version that you can continue to use.

Question: Where can I find help with DigiPro1 keys? Answer: You'll find help here: Question: I want to include DigiPro graphs in my report. How can I export the graphs? Answer: There is no direct way to export graphs. (Note: this is a built -in feature of DigiPro2).

With DigiPro1, you can print graphs to a software 'image' printer. The image printer creates a graphic file, which can be emailed, placed in Word, etc. We have good results with 'Zan Image Printer.' It is inexpensive, very convenient to use, and widely available on the internet. We are using Zan to print the DigiPro graphs that we upload to Atlas, our web-based monitoring system. You can also use a screen capture program, such as 'HyperSnap' or 'Snag It'.

However, screen captures are low resolution, good enough for the computer monitor, but not good enough for printing. Question: DigiPro1 consistently plots graphs with one extra depth. For example, when I survey an installation that has 23 depths, DigiPro always plots 24 depths. Answer: Think of a measuring tape. The tape starts at zero.

You don't record the zero, but it is the origin of your length measurements. Note that the plotted value for the extra depth is always zero.

If your inclinometer installation is 12m deep, and you take readings at half-meter intervals, you will take 23 readings. Your bottom reading is taken at 11.5 meters, but the origin of that interval is at 12 meters. When DigiPro draws the plot, it establishes a zero at 12 meters. Question: DigiPro1 doesn't plot displacements at the same depths that I recorded them. I record readings at half-meter intervals: 11.5, 11, 10.5, 10.

And so on, but DigiPro plots at 11.75, 11.25, 10.75 and so on. Why does the program do this? Answer: This is the result of 'auto depth-adjustment. With auto-depth adjustment turned on, DigiPro1 correctly plot data points at the top (or bottom) of the measurement interval. Auto-depth is turned on by default. Why is an adjustment provided?

Depth marks on Digitilt control cable are measured from the middle of the inclinometer probe, but deviations and displacements are calculated for the top (or bottom) of an interval. Metric example: The depth stored with the inclinometer reading is the cable depth of 20 meters, but the top of the interval is actually at 19.75 meters. With auto-depth adjust turned on, the plotted point will be placed correctly on the graph at 19.75 meters, rather than at the cable depth of 20 meters. English example: The depth stored with the inclinometer reading is the cable depth of 60 feet, but the top of the interval is actually at 59 feet. With auto-depth adjust turned on, the plotted point will be placed on the graph at 59 feet, rather than at the cable depth of 60 feet.


Question: What is Depth Offset / Elevation Offset and how should I use it? Answer: During a survey, the depth of the probe is controlled by aligning depth marks on the control cable to a reference, such as the top of the casing or the top of a pulley assembly. If you want depths on the plot to represent depths below ground surface, then you should enter an offset to adjust the reference to ground surface. That is the purpose of the offset field. For Depth Offset, enter height of casing above ground level + height of pulley (1 ft or 0.3m) Metric Example: Suppose the top of the casing is 0.5 meters above ground level. You use a pulley and index the cable to the top of the pulley (add 0.3m). Enter 0.8 m as the depth offset.

Labels will show depth below ground surface. English Example: The top of the casing is 14 inches (1.17 ft.) above ground level. The pulley assembly adds 1 foot. Enter 2.17 feet for the depth offset.

Labels will show depth below ground surface. For Elevation Offset, enter ground elevation + casing height + pulley height Metric Example: Ground elevation is 200 meters above sea level. The top of the casing is 0.4 meters above ground level. The pulley assembly adds 0.3 meters. Enter 200.7 meters for the elevation offset. Labels will be referenced to ground elevation.

English Example: Ground elevation is 1200 feet above sea level. The top of the casing is 1.5 feet above ground level. The pulley assembly adds 1 foot. Enter 1202.5 feet for the elevation offset.

Labels will be referenced to ground elevation. Question: How are data points calculated for the time displacement graph? Is the movement below the zone you are zooming in on taken into account or is it disregarded? Basically, is the bottom of your zone you are zooming in on now the zero point of reference for the graph?

Answer: The time displacement graph requires a single value for each zone. To do this, we first calculate cumulative displacement values for every depth. Then, for each zone, we subtract the value at the bottom depth of the zone from the value at the top depth of the zone. The sign is changed to accommodate top or bottom reference. So the zero point for the plotted value is the value at the bottom of the zone. Question: How can I print the values used in a graph? Answer: In DigiPro1, first plot your data.

Click on one of the plots to display the properties. Right click in the 'Data Sets' window, and select 'Print plotted data' from the popup menu. This will print the calculated data used to make the plot. Question: Sometimes, when I apply an orientation correction, the graph suddenly shows a displacement. What's going on? Answer: There is a bug in the correction routine.

The bug bites when the 0 and 180 values for a particular depth are exactly the same. For example, the bug will bite when the A0 value and the A180 value at 9.5 meters are both 14. The bug doesn't bit often because usually the numbers have a different sign and a different value. The workaround is simple. Use DMM to edit the data file.

Change one of the values by 1 unit. For example, change 14 to 15. That makes the problem disappear and does not affect the accuracy of the data. Question: What's the difference between English and metric templates? Answer: These templates control the way DigiPro1 processes your inclinometer readings. Use English templates if you have an English-unit inclinometer probe. Use metric templates if you have a metric unit probe.

If you need 'metric' output from your English-unit inclinometer system, make the conversion in the 'Data Units' tab. Question: How do I set paper size to A4? Answer: Click on 'file,' then 'options and defaults,' then 'page setup.' Choose A4 from the drop-down list. Then click OK.

Now, just to ensure that the new default isn't lost, click on 'file' and choose 'exit.' Click on 'yes' to the 'save DigiPro1 defaults' question. Now restart DigiPro1. All new reports will be started with A4 size. Question: DigiPro1 doesn't show all of my depths. Where did they go? My graphs don't show the entire depth of the borehole.

In fact, the boreholes are shorted by a factor of about 3. Short Answer: You've probably used an English template to create a graph from metric data. Try using a metric template and see if the results are are better. If this doesn't help, see the long answer below. Long Answer: A 'flag' is stored with each survey. The flag tells DigiPro1 that the survey is either English or Metric. Sometimes, especially with manually entered data, the English/metric information is missing.

When this happens, DigiPro1 defaults to English units. To set the flag to metric, close the graph. The 'installations and reports' dialog reappears. Right-click on the installation and choose 'properties' from the pop-up menu. Change the radio button to 'metric' and click OK. Question: The bottom of the casing is blocked, so my recent surveys have fewer readings. DigiPro1 doesn't plot them properly.

Dirt fell into one of my inclinometer installations and now the probe won't go down all the way. So my newer surveys don't have the same number of readings as my older surveys. What can I do? Answer: DigiPro1 assumes that the first reading in the survey is the bottom of the installation. As you point out, if your installation becomes shortened, DigiPro1 does not plot correctly.

We might add a fix for this in future. For now, there is a work-around, as explained below. There are two cases to consider: (1) The casing is blocked by an inflow of sand or mud; and (2), the casing is closed off by movement of the ground. Case 1: It is probably safe to assume that the bottom of the casing is still in stable ground. So you must edit previous datasets to remove the data for depths that can no longer be reached.

Digi Pro Tablet Driver Download

For example, if the hole used to be 50 meters deep and now is only 45 meters deep, go into each previous dataset and delete depths and readings deeper than 45 meters. Use DMM to do this. Also, change the installation information in the DataMate (and DMM database) to show the new, shallower bottom depth. Case 2: If the casing was closed by a shear movement, you cannot assume that the bottom is stable. You'll have to do the same data manipulations as in case 1. Then when you go to take readings, get an optical survey of the top of the casing. When you process the data, sum from top (instead of from the bottom).

Note that since your graphs will change, since your reference has changed. Also, keep in mind that since neither top nor bottom is stable, your data will be more difficult to interpret accurately. Question: How do you make time-displacement graphs? Answer: Select the installation, then click 'New' and choose 'Sample Time - Displacement Graph.' DigiPro1 then plots a graph for the A axis using a single zone. To specify the zones you want, click on the graph to call up the report properties dialog.

Then click on the new 'Zones' tab. You can specify up to five zones, choosing a start depth (shallower) and a stop depth (deeper) for each zone. You will probably want to click on the 'Datasets' tab to select more datasets. Question: I can't see the yellow lines when I print.

Digi pro tablet driver download

Is there a way to change colors? Answer: Click on 'File' - 'Options and Defaults' - 'Preferences.' You'll see a band of 8 colors. Click on the color you want to change and choose a different color from the pop-up color dialog. The change takes effect when you close your report and open it up again. Later, when you quit DigiPro1, be sure to say 'yes' to the prompt 'Save DigiPro1 Defaults.'

Question: How do you specify the initial dataset? Answer: Just right-click on the dataset that you want to mark as initial, choose 'Mark as initial' from the pop-up menu, and click apply. All datasets earlier than the initial are then ignored. Question: We're adding casing to the top of our inclinometer installation. Can DigiPro1 handle this?

Answer: Yes, but you'll have to do some minor editing in DMM. We give the instructions in the. Question: Error 3051 apears when I try to open a database. What's wrong? Answer: Check to see if the file is marked 'Read-Only.'

Using Windows Explorer, select the database, then click the right mouse button and choose Properties. You can find file attributes at the bottom of the properties dialog. Remove the checkmark from Read Only.

You may have to click the box more than once. Now DMM and DigiPro1 can open the database. Question: Error 11 appears when I try to create a graph. DigiPro1 used to work fine, but not now.


What's wrong? Answer: Error 11 is caused by a problem in your data file, usually a missing instrument constant. Open your database with DMM. Click on an installation, then click the survey list tab. Check every survey has an instrument constant. The survey that is missing the constant is causing the problem. Use Edit/Add to enter the constant.