Children Of The Red King Movie

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Children Of The Red King Movie 3,6/5 4125 votes

I love this series at first when my cousin was reading them i was not interested but then one day i was bored and i decided to read one i couldnt put it down i finshed all 8 books in rounded to a month a i was so sad when i finished i was reluctant to return them ps. I havent yet i given them back wish they had more you know what they should mak a movie for them to make a movie everyone who likes this series and was sad to end it will make lots of NICE comments to my post tnx very much Posted over a year ago.

  1. The Crimson King

Antagonists. Idith and Inez Branko: who very rarely show facial expression, but when they do it is rarely pleasant. They are also and are distantly related to Zelda Dobinski. They are described as looking like 'china dolls,' and are impossible to tell apart. Though Dagbert can tell them apart as noticed in book #7. Zelda Dobinski: A telekinetic known to have consorted with.

More info on Characters in Children of the Red King Wikis. The Children of the Red King is a series written. When she doesn't receive a hoped-for movie. Anybody know what the children of the red king. It it 2017 it 1990 mini series book movie stephen king red balloon pennywise reddie stenbrough. The children.

She has now graduated from Bloor's due to being a mathematical genius. Belle Donner: The child-like form of Yolanda Yewbeam. Her name, as Gabriel points out, is a pun on. Belle (as Yolanda) was a powerful and who appeared at Bloor's Academy quite suddenly, and integrated herself with the evil characters.

She had also managed to win Asa's affections due to his being a fellow shape shifter. Dorcas Loom: An enemy of Charlie's. At the beginning of the series, her morality was uncertain, but after the third book she became quite mean.

Her magical talent is the ability to bewitch any clothing which she makes herself, a skill which only becomes apparent when a belt she makes almost kills Miss Ingledew (Emma's aunt). Dorcas is later responsible for the reconstruction of Manfred's scarred face, as well as for the creation of a 'shrivelling shawl' which steals Billy Raven's power. She idolizes Venetia Yewbeam, Charlie's great-aunt. Her nemesis is Gabriel Silk, as her power affects him in particular. Eric Shellhorn: He has the power to animate stone.

He was originally good, but the influence of Venetia Yewbeam-Shellhorn, his stepmother (also Charlie's great-aunt), turned him evil. His real mother was poisoned by Venetia, using a bewitched string of beads. Beth Strong: A telekinetic who comes from a line of performers. She leaves the Bloor's quite early, and was 'friends' with Zelda Dobinski. Beth is also considered to be Bindi's opposite. Joshua Tilpin: A spy for the Bloors.

His parents are Miss Chrystal and Matthew Tilpin, but his father abandoned him as a baby because he feared that the boy was dangerous. His endowment is, which lures people and objects towards him. He attempts to lure Tancred away from his friends, but Charlie and the others counter his power by making him so revolting that most would be repelled by him. His ancestors are Lilith, the Red King's eldest daughter, and Count Harken Badlock, an evil sorcerer.

Bloor's Academy Staff. Mr. Boldova (Samuel Sparks): He has the power to turn into superheated sparks and sustain the heat which they produce. His brother is Ollie Sparks, once turned invisible by a blue snake. He used to be an art teacher in Bloor's, and often helped the children out of dangerous situations.

At the end of the third book, Charlie Bone and the Blue Boa, he left Bloor's and went to live in Sparkling castle with his family. Carp: An English teacher at Bloor's. Tantalus Ebony: A former teacher of, and drama at Bloor's. He is actually Yorath Yewbeam, a shapeshifter, Yolanda Yewbeam's father. His personality and shape are an amalgamation of a headmaster by the name of Tantalus Wright and Vincent Ebony, a postman.

Marlowe: The drama teacher. Paltry: Charlie's ill-tempered wind instrument teacher. He has no patience for endowed students as they are generally not musically talented. Pilgrim (Lyell Bone): Charlie's father, who disappeared in 1994 after 'breaking the rules'. Lyell was unendowed; he went to Bloor's because of his talent in piano. Gabriel says that he is not dead, but 'lost'.

In the fifth book, it is found that he was hypnotized and transformed into 'Mr. Pilgrim,' a very spacey, quiet teacher in Bloors. Upon being freed in the fifth book, he is reunited with his family. In the sixth book, it is suggested that he has possession of a box that contains a will. Pilgrim was also very forgetful while in his stage of hypnotism.

Pope: History teacher. Saltweather: The head of the music department. His endowment is the immunity to drowning in water, as illustrated when Dagbert Endless tried to drown him in a thick. He states that this does not count as a proper endowment. Miss Singerlee: Assistant drama teacher. Valerie: Kitchen assistant. Weedon: The Bloor's Academy gardener.

Weedon also acts as a bodyguard and chauffeur to Ezekiel Bloor. Weedon: The cook for the Green kitchen and wife of Mr.

Weedon, the gardener. She is known as mean and loves to read thriller novels. Dance: A music teacher. She also helps students to make sure they know where they are going and so they do not end up in the wrong place.

Other characters. Alice Angel: A white witch who's Olivia's neighbor and also discovered her endowment. Descended from Guanhamara and was close friends with Christopher Crowqill.

She stated that she was endowed with the knowledge that she would help someone who needed to discover themselves. Beatrice Bloor: Great-Aunt of Ezekiel Bloor, she was a witch.

The Crimson King

Beatrice despised her sister Maybelle, the ancestor of Billy Raven. As such, when her father, Septimus Bloor left all his belongings (the castle ruin, Bloor's Academy and much money) to Maybelle, Beatrice poisoned her and created a false will leaving their father's possessions to their brother, Bertram Bloor. Bertram passed these heritages to his son Sir Gideon Bloor, and then to his grandson Ezekiel Bloor. Bartholomew Bloor: He is Dr.


Bloor's father and Ezekiel's son. He supposedly disappeared in the during a climb, but is later revealed to have survived. He is married to an woman named Meng, and they have adopted Naren. Bartholomew was a close friend to Charlie's father.

The crimson king

Maybelle Bloor: Maybelle's endowment is unknown. Her father, Septimus Bloor, left her everything he owned, including Bloor’s Academy and the castle ruins, but her sister Beatrice poisoned her and made a false will leaving everything to Bertram. She married into the Raven family and is an ancestor of Billy Raven.

Norton Cross: The former doorman for the Pet's Cafe, Norton spent the bulk of the series appearing to be a friend to the protagonists, although never really taking part in any action. In the seventh book, however, he is discovered to be a follower of Titania Tilpin and tries to kill the Onimouses. Cristopher Crowqill: the legal guardian of Billy Raven and he appeared in the 4th book. He was a printer (ironic because his ancestor, Crowquill, was a scribe) and was framed for robbery by Weedon. He seemed to have a strong relationship with Alice Angel. He saved Paton from Yorath Yewbeam by tackling him off a cliff, but died in the process. He is mentioned in the 5th book when Billy takes out a candle from his letter in the 4th and the candle is revealed to be magic, revealing Christopher was endowed.

Florence de Grey: The wife of Usher de Grey, Florence can control people with bewitched oaths. These oaths are coated with a poison binding the person to the oath. If a person breaks the oath, they are physically harmed by the oath. Usher de Grey: Usher has the power to produce force fields. Though he dislikes children, he was temporarily the adoptive parent of Billy Raven.

Lord Grimwald: He has the ability to control the, and is a descendant of Petrello. Grimwald is an enemy of Cook. After she refused to marry him, he killed her fiance and parents, though he appears not to recognise her when they briefly meet in the sixth book. He is also the father of Dagbert Endless.

Katya Kettle: A talented who owns a shop on Pinimy Street. Kettle is descended from Feromel the Blacksmith, a powerful. She made an invincible for the Red Knight in the sixth book.

Naren Bloor: Bartholomew Bloor's adopted daughter. She is descended from the Red King's grandson who was abducted by and taken to. 'Naren' is said to mean ' in Chinese - an error by the author. Naren can shape shadows to form messages and send them like a magical form of instant messaging, umbrakinesis, but only if she has access to a possession of the recipient.

In the sixth book, she sends a shadow message to Charlie saying 'good-bye'. Her family helped save Asa and his mother by picking them up at the river in a battered white van. It is not known where they went from there or if they will come back. Una Onimous: Mr.

Onimous's five year old niece. She is endowed, but her talent is unknown as the Onimouses are keeping it a secret until it has been fully developed. Her endowment is assumed to be the ability to disappear, as she went invisible when holding the marshmallow globes.

She is very outspoken (gets it from her mother). Pearl: The sister of Cook (Treasure) and endowed with the gift of tranquility.

Is the housekeeper of Charlie's great grandfather, and his great-great-uncle, who should be 103 years old but was transported to the present day by his cousin Ezekiel at the age of eleven. Miranda Shellhorn: Eric Shellhorn's older sister and the unendowed stepdaughter of Venetia Yewbeam. She owns a dog named Chattypatra, so-called because she barks a lot. Chattypatra is later discovered to be in love with Runner Bean, Benjamin's dog (who seems to return her affections).

Daphne Yewbeam: She was the daughter of Manley Yewbeam and Grace Bloor, as well as being the sister of James and Henry Yewbeam. She died of when she was eight years old. Daphne is Clairvoyant.

Yolanda Yewbeam: Charlie's great-great-great aunt; she returned to the Yewbeams to experiment on the Blue Boa, and to deal with Charlie's investigating skills. She was endowed with two abilities, which is very rare in Charlie's world: she is both a shape-shifter and a hypnotist. She is killed by her great-nephew Paton Yewbeam when he explodes the light bulb in the machine she is working at, a sewing machine. Paton stats she was evil, so he electrifies her. Due to her appearing to bewitch clothes, it is highly debated that she has three endowments - this would make her the most powerful character in the books, along with the Shadow of Badlock.

Yorath Yewbeam: Charlie's great-great-great-grandfather, Yolanda's father, and a shape-shifter. He swears vengeance on Paton Yewbeam, his great-grandson, after he kills his daughter Yolanda. He falls off a during the time they headed back to Paton's car. He charged at Paton, but Christopher Crowquill, who was supposed to be Billy's guardian he sacrificed himself to save Paton Yewbeam and Paton thought because he was sick and knew the only person who could protect Billy was Paton. Yorath's death is uncertain, but he probably was because the two people he kept captive said they awake from some spell. Paton found this out in a newspaper article.

It is stated in the 3rd and 4th books that he is so old that he has no form of his own and must borrow the forms of others. The people who's forms he takes become trapped in a state of semi-consciousness and suspended animation in which they cannot move or speak but don't need eat or drink.

Ollie Sparks: A young gifted flutist, in the third book Ollie was the invisible boy. He is described in the third book to be very nosey, with a sharp to match it. With a lot of help from Charlie's group,and the blue boa turned him visible, and was taken home to sparkling castle with his brother Samuel Sparks,along with Charlie,Uncle Paton, Miss Ingledew, and his friends,expect Billy, for the holidays. The Red King.