Garena Plus Themes

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Freeware: Free Garena Themes. Downloads: All. Plus an access to free Worpress themes and the IM forums top 70. Using 'free garena themes' crack.

Tai garena plus

To create Garena skins you need:. A Graphics Editing Software (Paint, Photoshop, Corel Draw, GIMP, etc). An archiver that supports ZIP files The skin files, or the image files which Garena loads from for the skin is located in your Garena installation folder. And in there, a folder called skin.ggz. If you tried to open it, the file is an unknown type file.

But, it can be opened with an archiver. Just rename it to and poof! It can be opened and the files are shown. The only problem now is that when you try to extract them, your archiver requests for a password. So, the only way to open it is of course, get the password.

But I made it simpler and you can download the following file which includes all the images and configs inside. Once extracted, open that folder and you should see quite a number of files inside. All these are files used by Garena to skin their client (which is horribly red). Remember the following:. In most of these image files, transparency is aquired by using the colour 'Magenta' or pink for those who doesnt know whats 'a' Magenta.

Its R255G0B255 on the RGB code and 'ff00ff' on the hex code. All these images have margins, which means an area where only that particular area is stretched when it requires stretching/tiling. For example, look into Window.bmp and you should see the basic Garena Window, but its basically a small one.

It is stretched on a particular spot so it doesnt mess up the whole client. It takes time to make a skin. Check the ui.xml and find out/edit the picture margins because garena does stretching Each of the image included in the.RAR file is explained in the following (A-Z). ArrowDown.BMP: Games List Down Button. ArrowUP.BMP: Games List Down Button. Button.BMP: Unknown. CommentHeader: Unknown.

GameIconsBig.bmp: The game icons you see on the left side of the client. Gold.bmp: The GOLD member bar under your name (If your gold). Header: The bar you see in the 'Room's List'. logingglogo.bmp: The logo you see on the login window. LoginHeaderBar: The bar you see under the Garena logo in the login window. The one containing the 'Garena Login' text. Logo.bmp: The Garena logo you see in the Main client window.

Located at the top left corner. menu.bmp: The 'Right Click Menu'. Inside are two seperate parts of the client. One for the border and one for the menu. MessageTab.bmp: Obviously located in the message tab. Others.bmp: Lots of seperate images inside. Ranging from small imaged buttons to the big buttons at the top.

outbarlab.bmp: Most probably unused by the client. Panel.bmp: Unknown, not tested. ProgressBarBGh.bmp: The background of the progress bar (Your EXP bar). ProgreeBarBGv.bmp: The vertical version of the horizontal progress bar. ProgressBarH.bmp: The bar itself. ProgressBarV.bmp: The vertical progress bar. ScrollbarArrows.bmp: Unknown.

ScrollNews.bmp: Located in the Garena client, the one with the marquee in it. (Located under the Garena Controls buttons). shop.bmp: These buttons are located in the 'Gold Member' window. skin.xml: An XML file which doesnt show any association with the Garena Client. skinmsn.bmp: The image/window you see when a friend comes online (The small window that comes up at the bottom right corner, a copy of MSN. Hence the name).


split.bmp: Unknown. Tab.bmp: The tabs you see in several windows. Mainly in the Settings Window. TabBG.bmp: The background of the tabs. ui.xml: The main configuration files of the skin. Includes margin, colours, etc. The colour code is in a BGR colour code.

(Thanks onigoo). Window.bmp: The main part of your skin/client. Includes main window, buttons, drop down buttons, scrollbars, etc. = wildcard skin file(unprotected) credits: iREVELATiON onigoo Easier instructions: 1. Download the file 2. Edit the files with a Graphics Editing Software (Paint, Photoshop, Corel Draw, GIMP, etc) 3. Then repack them as zip file but the extension is.ggz PRESS TNX IF THE GUIDE WAS USEFUL!

Click to expand.Extract the (the one I have uploaded) anywhere in you disk, then edit the contents of it (refer from the post above), after editing and want to test how it looks like, compress it using WinRAR, choose ZIP format and on the extension change.ZIP to.GGZ. After you have compiled the new skin, go to Skin folder in the Garena folder, create new folder (e.g. NewSkin) then move the compressed skin to NewSkin folder (be sure the name of the skin you have made is Skin.GGZ), after doing that, edit skins.xml from the root folder of Garena using notepad (see the example below).

7 Garena+ allows you to connect with a global network of game players so that you'll always have someone to play against. Garena+ currently supports quite a limited number of games but does include some major titles such as Age of Empires I and II, Battlefield 2, Bordelands, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 1 and 2, Call Of Duty: World At War, Counter Strike: Source, Call Of Duty 2, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, Red Alert 3, Starcraft, Team Fortress 2 and Warcraft 3.

When you download and install Garena+, you have to create and account to log into the Garena network. You will be assigned an avatar that will identify you within the Garena community.

Garena Plus Messenger

You can instantly see who is online and which players are at a similar ability to you. Garena+ seems somewhat more focused on some games more than others though e.g. World of Warcraft 3, for which there is even an online video channel and high-level championship mode.

To communicate with other gamers, Garena+ has its own Instant Messaging and internal mail system and forums to discuss gaming issues. There's also a points system for those users with more experience and forum activity. Garena+ isn't compatible with enough major titles but for those it does work with, it's a simple way of finding like-minded gamers.